Messages from Carole, Cliff, Megs, Chuck and other family and friends. Phone calls with Carole, Megs & Gerald, Grandma & Grandpa Black.
Messages from Carole, Cliff, Megs, Chuck and other family and friends. Phone calls with Carole, Megs & Gerald, Grandma & Grandpa Black.
Here are photos Megs scanned from Gerald's Scrapbook. Make sure to click on the photo to see it full screen! Then click again to see even larger (sometimes)! [gallery size="large" link="file"...
GWDana Adjusted Birth Certificate
GWDana Adoption 2-10-1945
♦ Strattons Openshaw Bethany at Ashurst Lake AZ.♦ Strattons Openshaw Bethany Bowling at Winslow AZ.♦ Stratton Family Reunion with Gerald Dana at Winslow AZ.♦ Train Ride with Grampa Cliff Stratton.♦ Openshaw Baptisms with Gerald Dana.
♦ 1987 Stratton Ancestry Gerald Dana Family Reunions & Cousins Part 2.♦ 2009 Pat Stratton Interview.♦ 2009 Reunion.
♦ 1987 Stratton Ancestry Gerald Dana Family Reunions & Cousins Part 1,